Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Flashcard Set 2

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Each flashcard set has 5 flashcards.

Define: Authentication

Authentication is the process of identifying a piece of information, the veracity of information provided. In computers, it is the process of identifying a person or system with the username; password, etc. Authentication helps individuals; systems gain authorization based on their identity.

Define: Audit trail

An audit trail is a detailed history of transactions to help you trace a piece of information back to its origin. In the field of computers, audit trail or paper log, helps maintain security, recover any lost data.

Define: Attenuation

Attenuation is the weakening of signal strength, analog or digital, especially when transmitted over long distances.

Define: Attack vector

An attack vector is a means and ways by which an attacker gains entry into the target system. Attackers mainly use the human element or the weak links to gain such access.

Define: Attack mechanism

An attack mechanism is a system or strategy by which a target is hit; the attacker may use different attack mechanisms such as a container or payload to hit the intended target.

Define: Banner

A banner is a display on an information system that sets the parameters for system or data use.

Define: Bandwidth

Bandwidth is the volume of data or information that can pass through a network for a given period, and is usually measured in bits per second.

Define: Backdoor

A backdoor or trapdoor is a process to gain unauthorized access to a computer or a network. A programmer may bypass security steps and gain access to a computer by trapdoor programs, in the event of an attack on the computer system or networks. Attackers may also use such mechanisms to enter computers or networks without proper permission.

Define: Availability

Availability is the time duration a system or resource is ready for use.

Define: Authenticity

Authenticity is the proof or validity that a claimed identity (whether human or a resource) is real and legitimate.

Define: Behavioral outcome

A behavioral outcome is what an individual who has completed a specific training module is expected to accomplish on regular IT security job performance.

Define: Bastion

A bastion is a system of high level of security protection; such a system offers very strong protection against attacks.

Define: Bastion host

A bastion host is a special services computer on a network that is designed to withstand attacks.

Define: Baseline security

Baseline security is the minimum set of security controls required for safeguarding an it system. Baseline security is based upon a system’s identified needs for confidentiality, integrity and availability protection.

Define: Banner grabbing

Banner grabbing is the process of grabbing banner information such as the application type and version. This information is then transmitted by a remote port when a connection is initiated.

Define: Block cipher

A block cipher is a method used to cipher text information by encrypting data in blocks, strings, or groups at a time rather than encrypting individual bits.

Define: Blended attack

A blended attack is a hostile action with the intent of spreading malicious code.

Define: Black core

A black core is a communication network architecture in which user data traversing a global internet protocol (ip) is end-to-end encrypted at the ip layer.

Define: Bit error rate

A bit error rate is the ratio between the number of bits incorrectly received and the total number of bits transmitted in a telecommunications system.

Define: Biometrics

Biometrics are a security system, which takes into account the unique physiological characteristics of a person such as fingerprints, dna, hair, etc., for identification purposes.

Define: Brute force

Brute force is a computing method that relies on strong algorithms and computing techniques to find the ultimate solution to a given issue.

Define: Broadcast

A broadcast is a process of transmitting the same message to multiple users simultaneously.

Define: Bridge

A bridge is an electronic device that connects two networks such as lan that uses the same protocol such as ethernet or token ring, and creates two distinct lan’s or wide area networks. Operating at the data link layer of the open system interconnect model, bridges have the ability to filter the information and can pass such information to the right nodes, or decide not to pass any information. They also help in streamlining or reducing the volume of traffic on a lan by dividing the data into two segments.

Define: Botnet

A botnet is a remote controlled robotic network or a network of computers set up to further attacks such as spam, virus, etc., to the target computers or networks. Attackers use various malicious programs, viruses to take control of computers and form a botnet or robotic network; the owners of such member computers may be unaware that their computer carries and forwards such a threat.

Define: Block cipher algorithm

A block cipher algorithm is a family of functions and their inverses parameterized by a cryptographic key in which the function maps bit strings of a fixed length to bit strings of the same length.

Define: Certificate authority

A certificate authority (ca) is an independent third party that verifies the online identity of an entity. They issue digital certificates that contain information about the owner of the certificate and details of the certificates, thus verifying the identity of the owner.

Define: Central services node

A central services node is the key management infrastructure core node that provides central security management and data management services.

Define; Business impact analysis assessment

Business impact analysis assessment A business impact analysis/assessment is the process of evaluating and identifying risks and threats that a business might face in the event of an accident, disaster, or an emergency. It evaluates the possible risk to tangible and intangible assets such as personal, infrastructure, data and goodwill. In addition, it offers steps needed to recover from any such disasters.assessment

Define: Business continuity plan

A business continuity plan is also known as a business emergency plan, it offers safeguards against a disaster, and outlines the strategies, action plan on how to continue business as usual in the event of any disaster.

Define: Buffer Overflow

A buffer overflow is when a program tries to store an excess amount of data to a buffer than it can hold, as there is a limit on how much data a buffer can hold, the surplus data overflows to the adjoining buffers. Thus, overwriting the data stored in those buffers, and triggering unpredictable consequences.


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